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Audioscan Simulated REM - September 2021

Monthly Review - 5 Tips, 5 New Articles


Happy August to you! Hope you're staying cool (Eastern U.S., TX, Europe), dry (N.D.), wet (southern drought states), warm (South Australia) or whatever suits you best.

To help you get the most out of AudiologyOnline, I thought I'd pass along some tips this month. Tip #5 also contains the scoop on our most recent articles/text courses, so please read on!

Tip #1
Miss a live event? View the recorded course.

All live courses on AudiologyOnline are also recorded. Beginning a day or two after the live event you will be able to access the recorded course. Our recorded courses are available anytime from any computer with a high speed Internet connection and Flash player.

Tip #2
Search courses by topic.

Our library contains hundreds of courses from the leading experts in audiology and the leading companies in industry. To find courses in your area of interest, try an Advanced Search by Topic.

  • From our homepage, click on Browse Courses
  • Select either AudiologyOnline or the company of your choice
  • Click Advanced Search
  • Under "View Course by Topic" use the drop down menu to choose your topic area
  • Click the orange Search button to view the selections
Tip #3
Search courses by association.

Need credits from a particular association, such as ASHA, AAA, IHIS, AG Bell, etc?

  • From our homepage, click on Browse Courses
  • Select AudiologyOnline or the company of your choice
  • Click Advanced Search
  • Under "View Courses by Association" use the drop down menu to select the association you are seeking
  • Click the orange Search button to view the selections
Tip #4
Use our awesome tech support or customer service when you need it.

If you are having technical issues in a course, or if you have any questions about the website, please give us a call at 800-753-2160 so we can assist. We can only assist if you let us know you're having an issue, so don't hesitate to give a call if you need help!

Tip #5
Text courses are the best-kept secret to earning convenient and practical CEUs.

All of the recent articles on the site are CE-eligible. You can view them at your leisure or print them out to read when your schedule allows. Then, simply log in to your CEU Total Access account on AudiologyOnline and take the CEU test to earn your CEUs.

Here are a few of the newest text courses available:

Dynamics: The Third Dimension of Speech
Dr. Don Schum discusses the dynamics of the speech signal, and helps us understand how it is processed by modern hearing aids.

Electrocochleography, MLR, P300 and Cortical Responses, Evoked Auditory Potentials Part 2
Practical and informative Part 2 of a 2-part series on Evoked Auditory Potentials by Wendy Crumley-Welsh, M.S., CCC-A of Otometrics.

20Q: The Right-Ear Effect - Going Strong After Fifty Years!
Doreen Kimura, Ph.D. published research regarding the right-ear effect and dichotic testing fifty years ago that had a lasting effect on our knowledge of auditory processing and brain function. In this 20Q she talks about her early work and much of the research that followed. 20Q editor Gus Mueller, Ph.D. also invited three audiology legends - James Jerger, Jack Katz & Frank Musiek - in on the discussion. Read their commentary and insights into Dr. Kimura's fascinating work.

The Red Flag Matrix Hearing Aid Counseling Tool
Brian Taylor, Au.D. & Jill Bernstein, Au.D. put together a practical tool that integrates QuickSIN and ANL results and can be used in the hearing aid selection and counseling process to identify patients who might be at-risk for non-use or poor benefit with hearing aids.

The Auditory Brain: Conversations for Pediatric Audiologists Carol Flexer, Ph.D. passionately reminds us that pediatric hearing loss is not simply about ears and hearing - it's about brain development and brain functioning. She helps us examine how we counsel and educate so that we can have even more impact on outcomes for the children we serve and their families.

Interviews, News, ATEs

Stay informed by reviewing the latest news, interviews and Ask the Expert questions over in the right hand column.

You've heard us say it before and we mean it - thanks for reading!

Best regards,

Carolyn Smaka, Au.D.
Editor-in-Chief, AudiologyOnline

P.S. Go Yanks!
Signia Pro - February 2025

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