AudiologyOnline Phone: 800-753-2160

MED-EL - Bonebridge - August 2023

From the Editor--You've Got Questions - We've Got Experts


Dear Colleague,

Ask The Expert (ATE)
Every week, we go through questions submitted by our members, select the most interesting ones, and publish the answers using experts from our Advisory Board, Contributing Editors and Corporate Partners.

I am proud to say that since 2001, we have published almost 400 ATEs on a wide range of topics. Here are a few examples:

The ATE section is one of the most popular areas of the website and the archives are organized by category. If you have a question you can quickly find the answer or, an answer on a related topic. Take a look!.

Contributing Editors - STOP
If you work with Tinnitus patients, AO Contributing Editors Craig W. Newman, Ph.D. and Sharon A. Sandridge, Ph.D., published an article on the Sound Therapy Option Profile (STOP): A Tool for Selecting Devices Used in Tinnitus Treatment). This short questionnaire is an intake measure much like the COAT that the contributors published in March of 2006 on Audiology Online. The STOP is a way to quickly identify the optimal sound therapy device for a patient as a part of tinnitus treatment.

Thanks! Please feel free to view the latest AO news and information links listed to the right of this email and as always, thanks for reading.

Best regards,

Paul Dybala, Ph.D. - Audiologist
President & Editor-in-Chief, Audiology Online

P.S. We just redesigned the Audiology Online website recently and if you have not had a chance, I would encourage you to take a look. More information can be found in a previous From the Editor.
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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