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Expensive Hearing Aids: Investing in Technology And the Audiologist's Time.

Expensive Hearing Aids: Investing in Technology And the Audiologist's Time.
Mark Ross, PhD, Douglas Beck, AuD
March 26, 2001

Many people complain about the high cost of hearing aids. For the average person, digital hearing aids represent a significant financial investment.

Nonetheless, one advantage of expensive hearing aids is they offer enough financial incentive and profit to allow and inspire audiologists to provide a wealth of useful and efficient services which patients need and desire. Audiology-based services are often cost prohibitive based on time constraints, and of course, the lack of willing and able participants to pay for the audiologist's time.

By virtue of their academic and clinical training, their licenses, the many years spent earning their undergraduate degrees in communication disorders and multiple graduate degrees in audiology (master's and doctorates), audiologists are uniquely interested in, capable of, and qualified to provide these products and services. Yet most audiologists realize their financial situation is based on very few CPT codes for diagnostic testing and the sale of products.

Of course, audiologists can do much more than CPT codes reflect - but nobody wants to pay for it! Audiologists cannot typically bill for 'E and M' (evaluation and management) services as physicians do. Audiologists cannot typically bill for their time, their counseling, their aural rehabilitation work, or their non-diagnostic test administration, interpretation and management related to hearing aid amplification.

In our opinion, 'successful' management of hearing loss and hearing aid users - from the viewpoint of the patient (Ross, 1999) - pivots on one critical issue: Time.

Digital hearing aids, with their high price tags, allow audiologists to spend time providing all (or most) of the clinical services they are capable of providing, and importantly, these services are needed by our patients.

Hearing aid users, new ones in particular, require a lot of professional, consultative time. Unfortunately, many current dispensing models do not allow enough time to provide necessary, time-intensive services. Despite best intentions, it is difficult to maximally address and manage issues associated with hearing loss and hearing aids in the typical two to three hours devoted to the selection and fitting of amplification.

Let's consider some of the essential services and products we'd provide in an ideal, theoretical situation where time considerations did not apply. Again, keep in mind the following is not an exhaustive listing of the services and products we provide, but is a realistic listing of some of the things we do (or should do) after we invite the patient and their significant other into our office We would spend the appropriate time to:

  • Review the patient's history and concerns in detail, including their personal audiometric history, noise exposure, tinnitus, vertigo, aural pain and aural drainage, ototoxic medications and otologic surgery and recent audiometric changes.

  • Explore the possibility of hearing loss in their family, including their parents, siblings, and their children as well, urging audiometric evaluations for all children.

  • Provide a thorough otoscopic evaluation of their external auditory canal and tympanic membrane, with appropriate cautions about cotton swabs and OTC cerumenolytics.

  • Check their insurance status and call the insurance provider (as needed) to verify benefits and to maximally understand how to file for benefits on behalf of the patient.

  • Administer a diagnostic audiometric evaluation for the purpose of diagnosing the specific type and degree of hearing loss.

  • File a HCFA-1500.

  • Counsel the patient based on their needs, their hearing loss, their concerns, and our knowledge of audiology, hearing loss, hearing aids and related communication issues. This would include information about high and low frequency sounds, different voices, background noises, audibility and clarity, and effective listening strategies.

  • Discuss the rationale behind monaural versus binaural fittings. Discuss possible binaural interference and possible auditory deprivation issues and implications.

  • Review different styles, options, technologies, and prices of hearing aids.

  • Address 'reasonable expectations' in detail. Specifically, address what hearing aids can and can't do. Define 'noise reduction' in realistic terms.

  • Explore and demonstrate various kinds of hearing assistive technologies, including telephone and television devices, personal and large area assistive listening devices (ALDs), and signaling and warning devices. Based on our clinical impression, and the needs and desires expressed by the patient, select specific devices, which appear to best meet the needs of the patient.

  • Take the proper care while making earmolds, remake any impression that is not one hundred percent perfect.

  • Refer to a physician as needed and explain to the patient why we are doing so.

  • Ensure that the hearing aids arrive in a timely fashion from the factory and schedule the patient to return after the hearing aids have arrived and been preliminarily checked in, tuned-up and verified.

  • 'Fine-tune' the acoustic output of the hearing aids to maximally amplify speech and other desirable sounds, while addressing occlusion, feedback and the patient's 'own voice' issues.

  • Perform sound-field tests, real-ear, and other acoustic verification tests.

  • Address physical characteristics of the amplification system to ensure the hearing aids fit comfortably.

  • Teach the patient to care for and maintain their hearing instruments, including how to store and keep the batteries from wearing unnecessarily and how to use a dry-aid kit.

  • Tell the patient (and chart that we did so) the battery caution and provide them with the written manufacturer's instruction booklet.

  • Advise the patient how to initially get used to hearing aids (such as not wearing them if they are uncomfortable, not wearing them in noisy situations etc.).

  • Practice inserting and removing the hearing aids and the batteries and practice adjusting the hearing aids, with the patient and their significant other.

  • Schedule appropriate follow-up within 3 to 5 days of the hearing aid dispensing appointment for new users. Audiologists and patients vary. Our advice is early follow-up is best!

  • Enroll them (and their significant other) in a group program, where everyone can review the information and issues covered in the previous individual sessions and use the group opportunity to help everyone share and learn from each other.

  • Administer standardized self-assessment scales, those that sample the impact of the hearing loss upon the person's life and those that evaluate benefits and satisfaction with hearing aids.

  • Address issues and needs that arise from the responses to the self-assessment scales.

  • And, finally, 'listen' to the patient, to the needs they express and imply, and respond appropriately.

  • Do patients need all of these services? Yes. Some need a little less and some need a little more! Perhaps the fact that these services are not provided as often as they should be helps explain high return rates and low market penetration?

    We believe the effect of hearing loss in general, and adult-onset-hearing-loss (AOHL) specifically, is a grossly underestimated condition. The impact of AOHL was clearly illustrated by the National Council on the Aging study (Kochkin and Rogin, 2000). The study clearly demonstrates not only the personal and familial implications of hearing loss, but the positive effect of hearing aid 'treatment' as well.

    As a society, we often deal with hearing loss as if it were a trivial condition. We (as a society) assume that communication problems, secondary to hearing loss, can be 'solved' by simply applying hearing aids to the impaired ears. Indeed, it is because our society underestimates the overall impact of hearing loss that hearing aids can be purchased through mail order catalogues and the internet, without benefit of clinical expertise or professional intervention.

    This (the status quo) would not be the case if there were a proper and well-founded appreciation of the all-encompassing impact hearing loss has on a person's life. Given this appreciation, our society would be more receptive to private and public funding of aural rehabilitation and other treatment-based activities associated with hearing loss and the acquisition of hearing aids.

    There is no higher priority for our profession than making the public aware of the full implications of hearing loss upon the individual and his/her significant others, and the many excellent options available to facilitate successful management of hearing loss with personal amplification systems (hearing aids, FM systems and ALDs) and with professional management and consultation.

    Nonetheless, given the realities and limitations of the present system, we believe we can provide more extensive aural rehabilitation and treatment- based services for people with hearing loss -- funded by the cost of the aids themselves (Ross, 1999b; 2000).

    We propose that 'unbundling' services is probably not in the patient's best interest, as it will likely reduce the professional time and services associated with common hearing aid dispensing practices.

    Consider: When hearing aids cost $2000.00 or more per unit, patients are paying for more than just the product and directly related 'fitting' services; they are also paying for the audiologist's professional time.

    Unfortunately, it is probable that the converse is also true -- When patients are provided 'low end hearing aids,' necessary professional time will probably not be available.

    If more time was dedicated to consistent, professional, high quality counseling, aural rehabilitative and treatment- based issues, within the hearing aid selection and fitting process, we would certainly ensure a higher percentage of satisfied patients. With more satisfied patients we would anticipate a greater impact on society and greater 'market penetration' for our professional services and products.

    In summary, the services we provide our patients must be based on their needs. To maximally address their needs, lots and lots of professional time is required.

    Simply stated, the economic realities should ideally be shaped to fit the needs of the patient, not the other way around! Expensive hearing aids may offer one very important, previously non-addressed benefit - more time spent with the audiologist.


    Kochkin, S. & Rogin, C. (2000). Quantifying the Obvious: The Impact of Hearing Instruments on Quality of Life, The Hearing Review, 7(1), 6-35.

    Ross, M. (l999a). Great Expectations...Regarding the Performance of Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss, 20(5) 29-31.

    Ross, M. (1999b). Redefining the Hearing Aid Selection Process. Aural Rehabilitation and Its Instrumentation, ASHA Special Interest Division ##7, 7(1), 3-7.

    Ross, M. (2000). When a Hearing Aid is not Enough. The Hearing Review, 7(9), 26-33


    Mark Ross received his B.A. and M.A. from Brooklyn college and
    his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He is a Professor Emeritus in
    Audiology from the University of Connecticut and is currently a
    principal investigator of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research
    Center (RERC) located at the Lexington School for the Deaf.

    Douglas L. Beck received his B.A. and his M.A. from the State University of
    New York at Buffalo. He received his Au.D. from the University of Florida at
    Gainesville. He is the Editor-In-Chief of Audiology Online, San Antonio, Texas.

    Signia Xperience - March 2025

    Mark Ross, PhD

    douglas beck

    Douglas Beck, AuD

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