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Sycle OTC Hearing Industry Panel Discussion Post Event - July 2021

Want to Become A Consumer Trainer? Apply by June 15


Network of Consumer Hearing Assistive Technology Trainers (N-CHATT).

The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), in partnership with Gallaudet University, the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and Hands & Voices, is seeking applicants for a consumer train-the-trainer program. The Network of Consumer Hearing Assistive Technology Trainers (N-CHATT) is a network of consumer trainers with the knowledge and skills necessary to train others impacted by hearing loss in the successful integration of hearing assistive technology to support individual hearing and communication needs at home, work, school, and the community.

The consumer train-the-trainer program will be provided over a nine month period and begins in October, 2015. The training will be provided through a blended learning format that will include access to an online community, webinars, and one in-person two-day training at the HLAA home office in Bethesda, Maryland. All trainers are required to attend the June HLAA Convention 2016 in Washington, D.C. following the conclusion of the training portion of the program. Interested applicants must commit to outreach and implementation of at least three (3) community training events before the June HLAA Convention 2016. These events are for individuals in the community with hearing loss and those who work with individuals with hearing loss.

Training materials, lodging, breakfast and lunch during the two day meeting will be provided for selected participants. Participants are responsible for transportation and time to participate both online and in the two-day in-person training. Registration and expenses related to attendance and travel to the HLAA Annual Convention 2016 will be the responsibility of the participant.

Selected applicants are parents of children with hearing loss and adults with hearing loss who currently use hearing assistive technology in personal and public situations such as using the telephone, during face-to-face communication, interacting with media, and using alerting devices that make audible signals visual and/or tactile.  Individuals selected should be comfortable using technology.  Additionally, applicants should have some experience with training and facilitation and currently or will become a member of HLAA prior to the start of training. Trainers will be responsible for collecting and reporting feedback using provided reporting forms during training and for training events conducted in the community.

If you are interested in becoming a consumer trainer please complete the application form found at the following link:

Applications are due on: JUNE 15, 2015. Following completion of the application form, please send three references along with your resume, work history, or Linkedin webpage link to:

Questions about the program and/or application should be directed to:

This training is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), through Gallaudet University’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) (Grant #H133E140056).

Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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