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VNG with FireWire® - New Technology, Better


VNG offers technical as well as clinical advantages over ENG. It provides ideal conditions for observation, measurement and analysis of eye movements. It saves time, reduces costs and avoids the problems of myogenic and electrical noise. These advantages have made it the clinical procedure of choice in most balance assessment clinics.

Based on FireWire® technology, our latest VNG system achieves the kind of data transfer rates needed to make a real difference in video quality. This means that rotary eye movements or a small nystagmus are much easier to detect. This precision is reflected in the values reported for the critical slow phase component. Ease of detection and clearer video shorten the test time and remove some of the uncertainties associated with observation and diagnosis.

The system has a number of practical features. A remote control removes the need to be at the keyboard during testing. There are full field of view visual stimuli, software generated for direct output to a projector. Users can create their own test protocols. And the software contains a full set of printable reports. Actual recordings are stored with the results in the database and can be output for consultation with colleagues, for teaching purposes or for comparison with previous sessions. A multi language interface supports all functions.

The system comes in two versions, with (VO425) or without (VN415) ocular testing.

For more information, visit or the Interacoustics Web Channel on Audiology Online.
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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