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Unitron Hear Life - November 2023

Unitron Hearing: Call for Proposals


Call for Proposals:
Unitron Hearing is now accepting proposals for original research projects in the area
of amplification.

Open To:
This call is open to Ph.D. and Ph.D./AuD students currently enrolled in an accredited
University Audiology Doctoral program. Students who expect to begin their dissertation work in the fall semester 2003 are strongly encouraged to apply.

Unitron Hearing recognizes that the advancement of clinical Audiology requires a sound scientific foundation. It is therefore critical to nurture the scientists who will help to shape the future of the profession. The objective of this call for proposals is to create a mechanism to provide collaboration and support for future Audiology researchers in their initial scientific endeavors.

Our mandate is to develop new hearing aids and technology related to amplification. In keeping with that mandate, we are accepting proposals from students who have an interest in research relevant to hearing aids, hearing aid fitting and the ramifications of hearing aid use. Proposals will be judged on the basis of scientific merit, technical feasibility and relevance to current issues in amplification.

Students should view the proposal writing phase as an opportunity to gain grant writing experience. We are interested in novel ideas that can be supported by the existing literature. Submissions should be geared to meet high standards of scientific excellence. Therefore, the application could later be used as one component of a dissertation proposal. The authors of the highest ranking submissions will receive our full cooperation and support in the completion and publication of their projects. This support may include but is not necessarily limited to; access to our facilities, assistance in procurement of subjects, hearing aids for study, aid from our staff regarding technical challenges, manuscript review and economic consideration for costs incurred by the investigators.

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2003.

The complete instructions for proposal submissions can be obtained by contacting:

Donald Hayes, Ph.D., CCC/A, F-AAA
Manager, Audiology Research
Unitron Hearing

Click here to visit the Unitron Hearing website.

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