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Unitron Hear Life - November 2023

Unitron Hearing Assists Post-Graduate Audiology Students Through Dome Sponsorship


Unitron Hearing will assist post-graduate audiology students at four universities through sponsorship of their membership to the Dome information service. Dome is an information service developed for clinicians, educators, researchers and students in the field of audiology and communication sciences and disorders. Dome offers students multiple resources from one accessible, online location keeping them connected to current trends and initiatives in audiology.

Post-graduate audiology students from four major universities including the University of Western Ontario, Vanderbilt University, the University at Buffalo and the University of Iowa will be part of the sponsorship initiative. Unitron Hearing chose these universities because they offer prominent post-graduate audiology programs. The universities also offer in-house hearing clinics and aural laboratories to assist with their research efforts.

''Unitron Hearing realizes the importance of staying abreast of current trends, research and technological innovations in the hearing industry. Many of these post-graduate students will lead the way and lay the groundwork for future breakthroughs in hearing research. We are pleased to sponsor these students in an initiative that will benefit the hearing industry at large'', noted Bruce Brown, Vice-President of Marketing.

More information about the Dome information service can be found at and at

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