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Neuromod Devices - Your Partner for Tinnitus - September 2021

Understanding Your Baby's Hearing© Added to the ''Understanding... Series of Patient Education Materials''


Understanding Your Baby's Hearing© was developed for use by screening hospitals and audiologists to explain hearing and hearing loss in infants to parents and caregivers. Topics covered include Effects of Hearing Loss on Development, How Your Baby's Ears Work, Causes of Hearing Loss in Babies, When Should I Have my Baby's Hearing Tested, Risk Factors, Developmental Milestones, Hearing Tests for Babies, Treatment of Hearing Loss, and Education Options. Test results are recorded along with Type of Hearing Loss, Degree of Hearing Loss, and Recommendations.

Studies of information retention by patients show that patients forget about 50% of information provided immediately upon leaving the clinic. The "Understanding ... series of patient education materials" provide a permanent record of diagnostic information and recommendations that can be read, reread, reviewed with family members, and re-reviewed after the memories of a verbal discussion are long forgotten.

The "Understanding ... series of patient education materials" can be viewed at and can be purchased at

Signia Xperience - July 2024

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