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Inventis - June 2023

The Romanian Hearing Project

Audiologist Tricia Towle asks for your help in supporting the Romanian Hearing Project

Just try to imagine jettisoning yourself back about 40-50 years to a medieval land that is 60% peasant with an archaic medical system where audiology does not exist and the retired only make $100/month. Here is a little synopsis of how the Romanian Hearing Project has evolved.

  • A bit of history - 1993-1996 - Mike Webb, an audiologist from Sierra Vista AZ, started the Romanian Hearing Development Project in Cluj, in conjunction with the Cluj University Hospital. It continued under Romanian direction until 1999.

  • My arrival - October 2003 - 8 months of language and enculturation to follow. Many miracles happened in order to get me here to re-establish what Mike had started.

  • First hearing aid dispensed from my apartment - May 2004 - Average pension prohibits purchases of hearing aids for many. Custom-fit earmolds are accessible. Patients pay for their earmolds and give a donation for the hearing aids to cover costs and supplies. After a year and a half, 100+ hearing aids were dispensed. Donations have continued from generous manufacturers for compression as well as programmable aids, so binaural fits are possible.

  • Needs assessment - July 2004 - Pediatric needs are glaring! Specialized testing - behavioral, electrophysiological and infant hearing screening - are non-existent in the city of 400,000 and the whole northern region of Romania. Only basic hearing tests are performed on adults by the ENT doctors and their nurses and some audio-prosthetists. The doctors were also extrapolating deafness in sedated children from absent acoustic reflexes!

  • Partnership established in Pediatric Hospital - September 2004 - with two pediatric ENT doctors, Drs. Mihut and Ene.

  • Construction began and paid for by hospital - December 2004 - on designated 12 ft. square room with a sound-treated booth. A computer was donated for the project.

  • Interacoustics EP25 ABR/OAE unit donated - December 2004

  • The Center for Early Detection of Hearing Loss was launched - October 2005 - Pehratek VRA and ABR were installed. We began to perform ABR's under chloral hydrate sedation. No heart monitors are used with the children under sedation. Many patients started coming from 5-8 hours away.

  • Projected return to Cluj - Winter 2006

  • Long-range goals - Teaching and Training - The need to begin teaching and training of the doctors and medical staff is paramount. To that aim, I will be completing my Au.D. to be clinically prepared and able to network with other professionals.
How might you help?

  • Consider contributing financially or by donating equipment to the Romanian Hearing Project through International Teams (All contributions are tax-deductible)

  • Volunteer your professional time and expertise

  • Come on a short-term trip for special projects.
Also, please visit my blog,, about my adventures in Cluj since 2003.

Tricia Towle is an audiologist with 19 years experience. She speaks German, some Spanish and now Romanian. Personally challenged with hearing loss, she has a special sensitivity for those struggling with hearing loss and has always desired to offer her skills cross-culturally. For more information, please contact her at or write her c/o Linda Bonsall, 490 E. King Rd., Malvern, PA 19355. All contributions are tax-deductible and can be sent to International Teams, 411 W. River Rd., Elgin, IL 60123, Phone: (800) 323-0428
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