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Thank You from audifon

A note from the Audiology Desk at audifon, U.S.

April 18, 2011. Debary, FL. audifon had the pleasure of participating as an exhibitor at the 2011 AudiologyNOW! convention where over 4000 U.S. and international audiologists and students convened to obtain continuing education and view the latest in hearing health care products and technology.

We at audifon would like to thank the many professionals who visited the audifon booth for the opportunity to meet you and to discuss our exciting, new comprehensive product portfolio including the> CROS/BiCROS and prado hearing system.

At the convention, you shared with us your renewed interest in CROS/BiCROS technology designed to address the unique problem of Single Sided Deafness (SSD). We were excited and honored by the number of visitors who requested a demonstration of our new> hearing system.

Designed by audifon-Germany's product management team, this demonstration simulated two listening conditions that could be perceived by an individual with Single Sided Deafness (SSD). First, the perception of what a person with SSD might experience in an adverse listening situation such as listening in a convention center, with diffuse noise and music mixed with a speech signal coming from the unaidable ear. The second condition simulated the dramatic effect of real-time wireless transmission from the unaided ear to the better ear using the > CROS/BiCROS system.

We appreciate your feedback and positive remarks regarding the significantly improved perception of enhanced listening and improved speech clarity during the CROS/BiCROS condition.

We remain committed to partnering with you to bring continued innovation and support for solutions for SSD. We invite you to view our upcoming live Audiology Online eLearning course "Cutting the Wire: What's New in CROS/BiCROS Technology" presented by Martin Kinkel, Ph.D., on June 22, 2011 for a further in-depth discussion of Single Sided Deafness.

We also had the opportunity to support the Tinnitus Practitioners Association (TPA) by distributing their informative brochure. TPA members are working to increase professional interest in the area of tinnitus patient management. It was exciting to experience the TPA's enthusiasm about integration of this very important area of audiology into their practices, and to be able to offer the Tinnitus Retraining Devices as a part of an effective tinnitus retraining protocol.

We at audifon look forward to the opportunity to be a presence at future AudiologyNOW! conventions and are committed to providing audiologists with the highest level of quality hearing systems and services. See you in Boston! Sincerely, Eunice Straw, M.S., CCC-A, and your friends at audifon.

For more information, visit or the audifon web channel on AudiologyOnline.
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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