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Sycle OTC Hearing Industry Panel Discussion Post Event - July 2021, The Number One Hearing Care Practice Management System, Releases New Features & Upgrades to All Users Always At No Charge

San Francisco, CA May 30, 2007: Sycle is very pleased to announce the new features that have been added to the system.

Sycle is always striving to further the capabilities of your practice management system. Whether or not we are bringing you new reports or simply making the interface as user friendly as possible, our team is hard at work making sure Sycle stays ahead of the ever-evolving hearing care industry.

Loss & Damage Warranty Date Fields: To provide Sycle customers a way to keep accurate records of patients' Loss & Damage warranties we have added date fields specifically for this information. When entering equipment on the patient 'Intake Form' you will notice a 'L&D Warranty Exp' date pull down menu. You will also notice these fields available when selling a new hearing aid to a patient.

Patient Recall Data on Outcome Form: To further improve workflow we have made an addition to the 'Appointment Outcome' page. Customers can now enter a 'Recall Date' (you can pull patient lists based on these dates: See 'Recall Report' below) as well as schedule a 'Call Back' when finishing a patient's outcome. The goal here is to help make it easy for you to follow up with patients while saving you as many clicks as possible!

Recall Report: Some patients you want to see every two months, others, not so much. We hear you loud and clear! So you can now pull a list of patients for recall between any dates you desire. The data pulls from the date you enter in the 'Patient Recall' date field on their 'Appointment Outcome' page. You can download this report to Excel, just like all marketing lists, and easily send them a reminder.

Purchase Date Report Can Now Be Pulled For 'Any Year': Since we're on the topic of patient recall we figured that we would let you know of a small (but very helpful) enhancement made to the 'Purchase Date' marketing list. When pulling patients based on their last hearing aid purchase date you will have the option to select 'Any Year' along with the desired month and day. What this means is you can now find all patients who have purchased in, let's say, the month of May regardless of the year. This should make all your six-month and annual follow up reports much easier to access.

Notation for Required Fields: To make sure you don't miss any of that vital data collection we have inserted a couple little reminders as to what is 'Required' when completing an appointment. But don't be alarmed. Always remember that if no hearing test took place you can always select 'Did Not Test' from the 'Level' pull down menu.

Patients' Purchase Histories on Patients' Summaries: Try saying that five times fast! To help you keep track of all the batteries, hearing aids, earmolds and other goodies that a particular patient receives from you we have created a tool that allows you to search a patient's purchase history by product type. Simply go to their 'Patient Summary' and scroll down to the 'Invoices' section. Click the 'View by Type' button on the right hand side. Choose the product option from the pull down menu and click the 'Go' button.

TNS Report Filtered by Last Hearing Aid Purchase Date: In hopes of providing you with a better picture of which current and competitive patients fall under the 'Test No Sale' category we have added a new filter to the 'TNS' marketing list. This will allow you to include or exclude patients who have not purchased within a certain number of years.

Patient Type Definitions on Intake Form: When entering an intake for a new patient customers will notice that the field titled 'Patient Type' is a hyper link. Clicking on this will reveal the definitions of the different patient types in Sycle.

'Uncheck All' Option Added to Patient Mail:
When zipping through those appointment outcomes you will now be able to click 'Uncheck All' next to the patient's mailing list when applicable. But if you are interested in really saving some time (and money!) make sure you contact a Sycle representative to activate your automated patient mail. We can start sending you patient recall mail for you this week. No more licking stamps!

Sycle, the number one hearing care practice management system is designed to market and grow your business. Multiple office locations are instantly networked together. Integrated marketing features, such as referral tracking and automated patient mail, along with callback reminders and online insurance billing, guarantee increased sales and efficiency.

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