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Sycle OTC Hearing Industry Panel Discussion Post Event - July 2021, the Industry's Number One Practice Management System, Releases NEW Features

San Francisco, CA - November 9, 2011: The industry's number one hearing care practice management system is thrilled to announce it latest round of new features designed to help users increase office efficiency.

"These are always our favorite announcements to make. Creating new functionality and continuing to improve is what our team lives for. Releasing new features is the most exciting part of what we get to do. Once again, we have to give a great big 'Thank You' to all of our customers who help drive the development of the software," said's Peter Adams.

Here is a look at what has released this month:

Condensed & Optimized Quick Add: Adding a new patient on the fly doesn't get much easier than this! We have optimized the Quick Add screen so it contains only the vital demographic information. You can still easily navigate to the Full Intake screen if you prefer to gather more information from the patient, or proceed to the Appointment Booking screen.

Appointment Outcome Preferences: The following enhancement is designed to put you, the user, in the drivers seat! You can now set defaults for appointment outcomes under administration. Click on your appointment outcome screen and then select "Appointment Outcome Preferences" from the left hand menu. This table will allow you to default appointment outcomes to "Did Not Test" as well as determine where that option is located on your list of outcomes.

Hearing Aids from Stock-Editable: You can now choose to accept or reject the "delivered" default setting on invoices when selling hearing aids from your stock inventory.

To learn more about and simply email or call for a free demo (888) 881-7925. You may also visit or the web channel on
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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