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Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) Launches 15-15-15 Fundraising Challenge for 2015


Reston, VA, October 19, 2015—The Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) and the American Academy of Audiology Foundation (AAAF) are pleased to announce their fall fundraising initiative, the 15-15-15 Challenge. The kickoff of this fundraiser will be held in conjunction with National Philanthropy Day® (NPD), the yearly date when the philanthropic community celebrates giving, volunteering, and charitable engagement.

The SAA’s 15-15-15 Challenge was developed through its partnership with the AAAF in 2012. During this challenge, SAA chapters at universities around the country are encouraged to find 15 donors (students, faculty, alumni, professionals, family, and friends) to each donate 15 dollars to student programs during the week of November 15; these gifts are collected by the AAAF on behalf of the SAA, and can be made through the Foundation’s donor portal.  (Note:  The Foundation is tax-exempt under IRS Code 501(c)(3), so all AAAF contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.)  

Audiology graduate student and SAA board member, Anna Marie Jilla, is coordinating this fundraiser, and has collaborated with leadership in both the SAA and AAAF to organize this event. “The SAA and Foundation are optimistic that they will be able to raise more money through the 15-15-15 Challenge this year than in the past, because more students than ever are the beneficiaries of support from the Foundation,” stated Ms. Jilla at a recent board meeting. “We extend our thanks to all those chapters and individuals who plan to participate and help make the fundraiser super successful in 2015!”  

Through this unique partnership, all donations to the 15-15-15 Challenge are earmarked solely for student initiatives, including scholarships, research grants, educational programs, and global humanitarian projects. Professionals, faculty, family, and friends are invited to participate in this event. More information on how to make your 15-15-15 gift during the week of November 15, 2015, is available on the SAA Web site. Chapters and donors are also encouraged to share their stories on the SAA Facebook and Twitter pages (@StudentAuD).

 American Academy of Audiology Foundation logo             The Student Academy of Audiology logo

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