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Starkey Genesis - August 2023

Starkey Chief Technology Officer Achin Bhowmik, Ph.D., Named a 2021 Health Care Heroes Honoree


Eden Prairie, Minnesota (April 6, 2021) – Starkey Chief Technology Officer Achin Bhowmik, Ph.D., has been named a 2021 Health Care Heroes honoree by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. The selection process for the publication’s first-ever Health Care Heroes awards was based on outstanding professional achievements, leadership qualities and contributions to the Twin Cities community.

“It has been an unprecedented year. Healthcare workers have gone above and beyond in their efforts to fight a global pandemic while continuing to provide care for non-Covid patients,” said Kim Johnson, Editorial Director at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. “To honor their work, MSPBJ launched these awards to recognize Twin Cities individuals for putting innovation, care, dedication and compassion to work to improve the human condition.”

Dr. Bhowmik and his team at Starkey are responsible for developing innovative technologies and products. As an example, Edge Mode for masks, based on advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence technology, has helped people with hearing loss stay connected to their loved ones during the global pandemic. With just a double-tap of a Livio Edge AI hearing aid, Edge Mode instantaneously optimizes speech audibility to offset communication challenges presented by face masks, social distancing and background noise. Dr. Bhowmik also led the introduction of the world’s first and only hearing aids with automatic fall detection and alert technology, a significant step towards transforming hearing aids into multifunctional health devices.

“Starkey is more than the hearing aids we produce. We are more than a technology company. Our purpose is much greater than creating hearing products – it is delivering care with the human touch. People are the bottom line,” said Starkey President and CEO Brandon Sawalich. “I want to congratulate Achin on this well-deserved recognition, as well as the entire Starkey team for continuing to push the boundaries of innovation, even during a global pandemic. Your hard work and dedication connected people to the world around them at a time when that connection has never been more important.”

To learn more about Starkey, please click here.

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