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Audioscan Simulated REM - September 2021

Silent Risk: Most Parents and Teens Not Talking About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Although teen hearing loss is common, poll shows most parents haven't discussed it with their teens

National data demonstrate that 1 in 6 U.S. adolescents has high-frequency hearing loss. A new report from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health shows that many parents don't think their teens are at risk.

National Poll on Children's Health asked parents of teens ages 13-17 about noise-induced hearing loss in September 2011. Despite an apparent recent increase in hearing loss in teenagers, two-thirds of parents report that they have not talked to their teen about hearing loss. Among these parents, more than three-quarters believe their teens are not at risk.

"Teenagers are unaware of noise-induced hearing damage until it progresses to the point where it affects speech and communication," says Sarah Clark, M.P.H., Associate Director of the Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Unit at the University of Michigan and Associate Director of the National Poll on Children's Health. "At this point, they may have difficulties and frustration at school and in social situations."

Deepa L. Sekhar, M.D., Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Penn State College of Medicine worked with the National Poll on Children's Health on this study.

"Noise-induced hearing loss is not reversible, but it is preventable," Sekhar says. "There are simple steps that parents and teenagers can take toward hearing conservation."

One of these simple steps is encouraging the use of volume-limiting headphones or earbuds - devices that look like regular headphones or earbuds but constrain sound to 85 decibels or less, a reduction of up to 40% in maximum volume output.

Only 32% of parents know about volume-limiting devices. When informed, over half of parents of teens report they'd be willing to purchase volume-limiting headphones or earbuds, but only about a third think their teen would be likely to use them.

"These findings suggest that we have work to do in educating teens and parents about hearing conservation," Sekhar says. "We encourage more parents to talk to their teens about hearing loss. In addition, doctors and other health professionals can play a role by introducing this topic routinely to parents and teens during preventive care visits."

Full report:

C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health:

Additional resources include:

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association:

Purpose/Funding: The C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health - based at the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan and funded by the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases and the University of Michigan Health System - is designed to measure major health care issues and trends for U.S. children.

Data Source: This report presents findings from a nationally representative household survey conducted exclusively by Knowledge Networks, Inc. (KN), for C.S. Mott Children's Hospital via a method used in many published studies. The survey was administered in September 2011 to a randomly selected, stratified group of parents age 18 or older with a child age 13 to 17 (n=725), from the KN standing panel that closely resembles the U.S. population. The sample was subsequently weighted to reflect population figures from the Census Bureau. The survey completion rate was 58 percent among panel members contacted to participate. The margin of error is ± 3 to 8 percentage points.

To learn more about Knowledge Networks, visit

Findings from the U-M C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health do not represent the opinions of the investigators or the opinions of the University of Michigan.

Taken from
Signia Xperience - July 2024

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