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Signia Conversation - March 2024

Siemens Software Update

Over the last few days, I was extremely impressed with the handling of a potential software problem, and I wanted to bring that to the attention of the Audiology Online audience. Some of you may have seen a communication recently indicating there was a problem with the newest version of the Connexx 4.0 programming software relative to programming some Rexton products. I checked into this, including communicating directly with Siemens - the developer of the Connexx software, to find out what the issue was and I've detailed the results below. The bottom line is that I was impressed that Siemens put forth extraordinary effort to quickly and competently address a software question (which turned out to be a non-issue) and I wanted to take this time and space to thank them for their efforts, and to encourage our industry to continue working for the benefit of the patients, the professionals and the industry.
by Douglas L. Beck Au.D., Audiologist & Editor-In-Chief

Siemens recently released a new version of the Connexx software version 4.0, including functionality to program their new digital instrument, TRIANO. The Connexx software also programs hearing instruments from Rexton and Electone as well. Apparently, a professional had difficulty programming a couple of the Rexton products and an e-mail went out to professionals indicating there was a problem with the software, along with a suggestion to not install the software if they fit the products in question. This e-mail spread quickly and quite literally made its way around the world.

Upon hearing about the unusual programming challenge, Rexton in Minnesota and the Siemens Technical Support Group in Illinois immediately went to work to identify the source of the problem. Regardless of the PC/software/hearing instrument configuration, they were unable to replicate the problem (everything worked correctly when tested). Instead of just letting it go at that - accepting that there was no apparent reason for trouble and treating the episode as an isolated incident, Siemens sent two of their software managers (both are audiologists) and Rexton sent one of their product managers (another audiologist) to the professional's office to evaluate and resolve the challenge. After analysis and re-installation of the software, all is well and indeed the new Connexx 4.0 is compatible with all of the Rexton products and the Siemens products as well.

David Sawyer, Vice President of Marketing at Siemens, stated: "This situation was a great example of the power of email and the world-wide web. The email reached so many people before the issue could be verified, that it caused many inquires at Siemens and Rexton, and resulted in many professionals hesitating to install the valuable software. We certainly support communication with the professional community and we're always willing to research this type of situation to verify that communications to professionals are clear and accurate."

Please feel free to contact Siemens Tech Support at 1-888-231-1333 for any questions about software and systems, and Audiology/Customer Service at 1-800-766-4500 for questions about hearing instruments and related programming. Or, click here ( to go to the Siemens website.
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