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Pumping it Up Too Much

January 21, 2010 - (Edmonton) Listening to an iPod while working out feels like second nature to most people. But Bill Hodgetts, PhD, says we need to consider the listening levels on our earphones while working up a sweat at the gym.

"People generally listen to music at reasonable levels of volume, but we've found that exercising, mainly because of the background noise, can influence people to turn up the volume to potentially unsafe levels for the ear," explains Hodgetts, assistant professor, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta.

In his study, published in the International Journal of Audiology in December, participants listened to the same song on an iPod while resting in a quiet environment, resting in a noisy environment and while exercising on a stationary bike in a noisy environment (as if they were in a gym). Using iPod earphones, or "earbuds," the participants' listening levels were recorded and results showed that preferred listening levels increased during rest in a noisy environment to potentially dangerous levels and the addition of exercise induced even further increases.

"Heavier breathing and the distracting sounds from the exercise machines could be factors," said Hodgetts. "People also like to make the music louder because it pumps them up."

The study subjects increased the volume to about 75 per cent of the maximum volume on their iPods in order to enjoy the song while working out, a level that may put them at risk of hearing loss, depending on the listening duration.

But Hodgetts is quick to tell everyone that this isn't a cause for alarm. "Don't stop exercising. Don't stop listening to your iPod. If listening to music helps you exercise, keep doing it."

Hodgetts' solution is very simple: get better earphones.

"The gym is a noisy place. Background noise is the main factor in why people will raise the volume on their personal playlist. Any earphones that reduce the background noise, either with an active noise cancelling circuit or just a good tight seal, will allow people to still enjoy their music without having to turn it up so loud," he said.

"It's a small price to pay to protect your hearing."

Taken from
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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