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Bernafon - Professionals - April 2024

Predictor of Successful Hearing Aid Use (No, We're Not Talking Magic 8-Ball)

Carolyn Smaka, AuD

Imagine there was a simple measure that you could use with potential hearing aid candidates to help predict who would be successful using hearing aids and who had a high probability of failure. Imagine the measure took less than 10 minutes to administer, and that it could be conducted with common equipment found in all audiology practices. No, we're not talking magic 8-Ball, but rather, a widely researched and validated clinical measure. Would you use it?  

Dr. Patrick Plyler20Q: Acceptable Noise Level Test - The Basics and Beyond

The topic of this month's 20Q with Gus Mueller is exactly such a measure. Dr. Patrick Plyler from the University of Tennessee is our June 20Q guest author discussing the Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) test. Dr. Plyler has worked on several ANL research projects over the past 20 years and explains its background and clinical use in this easy-to-read, practical CEU article. Will Dr. Mueller invite Dr. Plyler back in July to go into more details about this valuable clinical tool? Signs point to yes.

baby with pacifier

OAE Series

Our other big news this month is a 3-course series on otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) with guest editor Dr. James Hall. Dr. Hall covers the wide range of clinical uses for OAEs in this practical series focused on clinical whys and hows. Both new and experienced clinicians will gain insights from a review of the rich foundation, latest evidence and clinical protocols that will be presented. Register now.

Ethics - Fifty Shades, or More? 

Dr. Gail Whitelaw indicated that teaching ethics to audiology students at The Ohio State University left her "with more questions than answers". My biggest take away from her outstanding ethics webinar on June 3 was that ethics is an ongoing conversation between all of us in audiology. When it comes to ethics, there are very few black and white scenarios, and definitely more than 50 shades of grey. One viewer said, "This is the most interesting and engaging ethics course I have ever taken". View the recording.

July NIHL Series

Sign up now for next month's Noise Induced Hearing Loss Webinar Series!  Register here.

CEU Total Access

Our CEU Total Access enables you to earn CEUs from all of the content in this newsletter, and more than 1,200 other courses presented by leading experts and companies in our industry for just $99/year.  Sign up today.

Wishing you a great summer, filled with laughter, fun and learning. Please feel free to contact me at any time with suggestions and comments. Thanks for reading! 



Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

carolyn smaka

Carolyn Smaka, AuD

Editor in Chief, AudiologyOnline

Carolyn Smaka, AuD, is Editor in Chief of AudiologyOnline.  Prior to coming to AudiologyOnline, she worked as a clinical audiologist in a variety of settings, and in product management, sales and audiology support for a leading hearing instrument manufacturer.  She is an active volunteer with audiology professional associations and in her community.

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