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Phonak Infinio - January 2025

Phonak Launches Inspiro and First MicroLink Receivers with Dynamic FM Technology

Nuremberg, Germany, October 2007 — At the EUHA 2007 Conference in Nuremberg, Phonak unveils a once-in-a-decade breakthrough in hearing technology. The company's new Dynamic FM platform enhances speech understanding in noisy situations to a degree previously thought impossible.

During clinical testing with a group of hearing impaired persons in the USA, the Dynamic FM platform boosted speech scores by a staggering 80% in loud ambient noise. The benchmark for the test was a conventional FM system, the current leading technology when it comes to optimal understanding of speech in noise.

The new technology is the outcome of four years' intensive development by a large, dedicated group of engineers in the Phonak laboratories. The first products based on the new Dynamic FM platform are inspiro (a new FM transmitter), MLxi and ML10i (both new FM receivers). All three products feature a new chip, new algorithms, new software and new mechanics. The new receivers adjust automatically to hearing instruments, which means the time-consuming job of programming receiver parameters to the various types of audio input wiring in hearing instruments is well and truly a thing of the past.

According to Phonak audiologist Hans Mülder, 'This will totally reshape the face of FM systems and is exceptionally good news for hearing impaired children around the world.'

Along with its suite of trailblazing new products, Phonak also heralds the first-time appearance of DataLogging FM in the FM arena. This invaluable feature will help audiologists to optimize the use of FM systems in everyday situations. Apart from this, the new platform comes with a SoundCheck system to help teachers optimize their microphone position and indicate how much noise is present in the classroom. Receiver status can be monitored wirelessly simply by pushing a button on the transmitter, giving teachers daily reassurance that the system is working perfectly and that pupils are not missing a thing.

The new Dynamic FM products are designed for use by hearing impaired children at home and at kindergarten as well as in regular and special schools.

Phonak expects Dynamic FM to replace multifrequency systems soon as the new global standard in FM technology. Dynamic FM encompasses all the features and benefits of multifrequency systems, and Dynamic FM has full backwards compatibility.

The new, tiny MLxi Dynamic FM receiver

Naída hearing instruments with the universal (left) and design integrated (right) Dynamic FM receivers

The new inspiro transmitter for schools

About Phonak

Headquartered near Zurich, Switzerland, Phonak has developed, produced and globally distributed state-of-the-art hearing systems and wireless devices for over 50 years. The combination of expertise in hearing technology, mastery in acoustics and strong cooperation with hearing care professionals allows Phonak to significantly improve people's hearing ability and speech understanding and therefore their quality of life.

Phonak offers a complete range of digital hearing instruments, along with complementary wireless communication systems. With 2'500 employees worldwide, Phonak drives innovation and sets new industry benchmarks regarding miniaturization and performance.

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