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Over $100K Raised to Support AuD

Audiologists reaffirm support for the AuD movement, Starkey Matching program a big success!

West Lafayette, IN - Audiologists sent the Audiology Foundation of America over the top by giving generously to this summer's annual campaign for the AuD. Many committed individual donors sent in contributions that were matched by the Starkey Companies' Match Program. The largest donation came from the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists, who reaffirmed their support for the AuD by donating $10,000. The total reached over $53,000.

The money raised will be matched by a grant of $50,000 from the Starkey Companies. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Bill Austin, CEO of the Starkey Companies for his extremely generous support not only this year but in the past as well!

"It's wonderful to have such a clear vote of confidence from audiologists and the hearing care industry for the importance of continuing our transition toward a profession united by the AuD," according to Ken Lowder, AuD, AFA's Chair. "We still have a long way to go in our transition. These funds will provide us with the means to accomplish some very important goals we've set out for audiology."

During the summer, the AFA Board developed a very clear vision for the future of audiology and specific actions we will take to ensure we reach the goal. We see the future this way:

"It is the AFA's vision that Audiology will be a doctoral profession which is recognized as the gatekeeper for treatment of disorders of the AudioVestibular system by consumers, third party payers, healthcare organizations and other professions, and that the AuD degree will be the criteria for licensure in every state."

The AFA will put the money raised to good use in various programs that will:
  • Provide scholarships for AuD students (both residential and distance education)

  • Attract new students to the profession of audiology

  • Promote the AuD degree as the distinctive designator for audiologists

  • Work to establish the AuD degree as a future condition for new licensure

  • Support audiologists in achieving direct reimbursement status with third party payers
The Board of the AFA continues to develop programs to enhance the status and permanence of the AuD for audiologists. Current Directors are Richard Burba, MBA; James Carroll, AuD; Robert Gippin, JD; David Goldstein, PhD; Nancy Green, AuD; Eric Hagberg, AuD; Kelly Halligan, AuD; Mike Hartman, AuD; Veronica Heide, AuD; Ken Lowder, AuD; Tom Morris, AuD; Leslie Neal, PhD; Tabitha Parent-Buck, AuD; and Deborah Price, AuD. Many others serve on the Advisory Committee.

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