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NOAH 3.6 Patch A Released: Corrects Several eTONA and NOAH System Related Issues


HIMSA announces the release of Patch A for NOAH version 3.6. The following issues are fixed in Patch A:

  • eTONA fails when adding a new eTONA action while existing eTONA actions are being processed (3785)
  • A NOAH client crash during eTONA order creation requires a NOAH Server restart (3921)

  • Client data fields Address 3, Referral and Physician are mixed up (3999)

  • GDI objects leak in the NOAHDatabaseTrayMenu.exe, which may cause the entire system to respond slowly. It may also cause problems when launching some modules. (4002)

  • A Backup reminder displays every time NOAH is launched (4006)

  • eTONA locks up in a network environment (4014)

  • The font in the eTONA Transaction Browser is the incorrect size (4016)

  • An upgrade to 3.6.1 from 3.5.2 does not attach the eTONA database correctly (4019)
Patch A can be downloaded on the NOAH 3 Updates and Patches download page.
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