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Oticon Medical - BAHS - January 2024

NHS on Infant Hearing & AHS on Adult Hearing in 2012


On June 2012 two major international scientific meetings on Hearing will be held in Cernobbio (Lake Como):

NHS 2012 (June 5-7)

AHS 2012 (June 7-9)
The NHS and AHS Conferences will bring together specialists in audiology, otolaryngology, hearing sciences, communication disorders, neurosciences, neurology, psychology, genetics, biology, engineering, health care, epidemiology and other related areas to establish a truly international and multidisciplinary forum, in that scientific and technological advances as well as clinical studies will be presented during this intense yet extremely stimulating week. On top of this, the magic of Lake Como and its surroundings will make these days an unforgettable experience.

The NHS 2012 Conference - Beyond Newborn Hearing Screening

Infant and Childhood Hearing in Science and Clinical Practice - will bring Colleagues and friends from all over the world to meet and share concepts, models and results on the most recent advances in hearing screening, audiological and medical diagnosis and intervention for newborns and infants.

The AHS 2012 Conference - 2nd International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening

Designed to provide state-of-the-art scientific and clinical information on the rapidly changing landscape of adult hearing care. The conference is focused on a comprehensive spectrum of issues related to early identification, treatment of auditory dysfunctions and aural rehabilitation in adults.

Call for Papers is now open!

Abstract submission deadline: February 6, 2012 / Notification of acceptance: March 16, 2012

Looking forward to welcoming you in June 2012!

NHS 2012 Satellite Events

7th Widex Congress of Paediatric Audiology

Widex is proud to announce the 7th Paediatric Congress in Como, Italy on June 4, 2012. Continuing our tradition of fully supporting paediatric audiology, the 7th congress will again bring together experts, professionals and others to discuss the latest developments in paediatrics.

We look forward to seeing you there, in conjunction with the NHS2012 conference on newborn hearing screening. Widex is a primary sponsor of NHS2012. Read more:

Oticon Paediatric Symposium on June 6th 2012, 10:30-13:30

The theme of this year's symposium will be children's auditory development. It will focus on the importance of an accurate fitting and the different stages a child's auditory and cognitive maturation go through.

EFAS (European Federation of Audiology Societies) General Assembly on June 7.
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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