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ReSound Vivia - February 2025

A New Name for ADA: Academy of Doctors of Audiology

Chicago: Members of the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists (ADA) voted to change the association's name to the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) at the annual Business Meeting held October 14 during ADA's 2006 Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona. This name change more accurately reflects the vision of the ADA and the future of the profession.

"This bold change is forward thinking and will bring far-reaching positive rewards and benefits to the members, the organization, and the profession," said audiologist, Larry Engelmann, Au.D., newly installed president of ADA.

Founded in 1977, ADA was the first audiology-based organization formed for the sole purpose of incorporating hearing aid dispensing into audiology clinical practice as a viable, appropriate and necessary means of treatment for hearing impaired persons. Thirty years later, hearing aid dispensing by audiologists is standard practice, and the ADA's mission has expanded to support the practitioner. With this changing emphasis, the role of the ADA has evolved to advancing the profession of audiology as one of doctoring care and requiring the Doctor of Audiology degree (Au.D.) as the entry-level qualification for practice.

ADA has been at the forefront of advancements to the audiology profession for 30 years; this name change will position ADA as the organization for Doctors of Audiology and enable the Academy to promote audiology as a doctoring care profession.

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The Academy of Doctors of Audiology, (formerly Academy of Dispensing Audiologists®), founded in 1977, provides valuable resources to the private practitioner in audiology and to other audiology professionals who have responsibility for the concerns of quality patient care and business operation. Fostering an international community of audiologists and prospective audiologists through its "just the right size" conventions, forum communities, and student mentor program, ADA strives to be the leader in professional development, high ethical standards, career enhancement, practice improvement, and student outreach. Assisting in the development of distance learning programs for the Au.D. degree is only one example of the Academy's commitment to a proactive vision for the future of the profession.
Signia Xperience - March 2025

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