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Inventis - June 2023

New Comprehensive Textbook on Pure-tone Audiometry and Masking

Pure-tone Audiometry and Masking by Maureen Valente, Ph.D., the first textbook within the Basic Audiometry division of the Core Clinical Concepts in Audiology Series by Plural Publishing, will be released in April 2009 and is now available for pre-orders.

This new text focuses comprehensively on pure-tone audiometry and masking, and includes important concepts such as calibration, dB references, audiogram interpretation, clinical masking and more. Dr. Valente insightfully presents information often challenging for beginning audiology students through description and examples, based on her years of audiology teaching experience. As Director of Audiology Studies within the Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences (PACS) at Washington University School of Medicine, she carries a joint appointment within PACS as an Assistant Professor within the university's Department of Otolaryngology.

"I think this unique approach to a Clinical Concepts Series will be very valuable for the learner", states Dr. Valente. "Each text in the Series will cover a topic in great depth and I feel honored to have been invited to write this one on Pure-tone Audiometry and Masking."

In addition to laying a solid foundation in hearing science and helping readers master diagnostic techniques, Pure-tone Audiometry and Masking also includes discussion of audiogram interpretation, and integration of additional audiologic procedures with pure-tone audiometry as its base, including via non-conventional methods and with challenging-to-test populations. "As the text progresses, the reader builds toward implementation of clinical insight as he or she interprets test findings, integrates with other diagnostic information, and demonstrates case management of the entire patient", explains Dr. Valente.

Practical information, such as clinical pearls and pitfalls, is presented throughout the book in addition to basic and advanced theory, to assist readers in achieving a thorough understanding of the subject matter. For more information about Pure-tone Audiometry and Masking, including how to place pre-orders for the text, please visit
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