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Widex SmartRic - February 2024

NCHH and ABT Unite to Educate Parents About Baby Hearing Health through ''Music for Babies''™ CDs

Washington, DC, - To raise awareness of the importance of newborn hearing screening and the benefits of hearing health on early development, the National Campaign for Hearing Health (NCHH) is partnering with Advanced Brain Technologies, LLC (ABT), through ABT's newly released "Music for Babies"™ series. ABT will include information about newborn hearing screening and NCHH public education and advocacy initiatives, to educate parents about the importance of hearing health and how to raise a hearing healthy child, in the "Music for Babies"™ CD booklets, on the ABT website, and on the "Music for Babies"™ product flyers. A baby hearing checklist will be sent free to parents who request one via a response card placed inside each "Music for Babies"™ CD.

"Just as food nourishes a baby's growing body, the elements of music - melody, tone and harmony - nourish a baby's rapidly developing brain," explained Alex Doman, President of ABT, "Even before children are born, research shows that music has a beneficial effect on the network of neurons that will be the foundation of their later learning, language development and music ability. However, to learn easily and communicate effectively, your child needs to hear well. That is why we are so pleased to partner with NCHH, to educate parents about the importance of hearing health on their child's development."

The "Music for Babies"™ series is a break-through for early child development, and is built note by note on the latest discoveries related to brain development in very young children. Created in collaboration with experts across a broad range of scientific and artistic disciplines, each volume helps children achieve their fullest potential.

"There is no doubt that early auditory stimulation is integral to a child's cognitive and language development," said Kiersten Tomchik, Director of Corporate Relations at NCHH. "The 'Music for Babies'™ series is a delightful opportunity to enhance learning development through sound, and is an important extension of our 'Hearing Healthy Kids' program - a comprehensive public awareness and education campaign about what it means to raise a hearing healthy child."

About Advanced Brain Technologies, LLC
Founded in 1998, ABT combines extensive clinical experience with the latest neuroscience and music research to create products, programs, and services that enhance health, learning and productivity. Based on over thirty years of clinical research with thousands of individuals at the National Academy for Child Development and with experts in various fields, ABT's growing family of brain-based programs is created to help people reach their fullest potential. For more information about ABT and the "Music for Babies"™ series, visit ABT on the web at

About the National Campaign for Hearing Health
The National Campaign for Hearing Health, sponsored by the Deafness Research Foundation, is committed to putting hearing health on the national agenda. The Campaign is working to raise awareness of hearing issues, improve options for those living with hearing loss, and to protect those at risk. By advocating for detection, prevention, intervention and research, the Campaign promotes hearing health for all. For more information visit NCHH at
Sennheiser Hearing - June 2024

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