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Monthly Review - Can I earn my CEUs online?


I called a few of my audiology friends and asked them: "How many CEUs do you need to maintain your license(s)?", and "Can you earn your CEUs online?" Only half of my friends, who shall remain nameless, knew exactly how many CEUs they needed and everyone assumed they could earn them online.

They're not alone. At AudiologyOnline we receive a lot of inquiries from professionals each day who ask us these same questions. Dr. Joanne Slater, our CEU Adminstrator, was invited to discuss this issue in a recent article. The short answer is, if you hold an audiology or hearing aid dispensing license, you need to earn a specific number of CEUs during each renewal period, and you may also have specific requirements regarding both allowable content and allowable learning formats, i.e. in-person, live online or self-study (recorded, text courses). The requirements vary by state and by the type of license you hold. Further, you may be required to earn a portion of your credits in specific topics, such as ethics or infection control. Bookmark the link for your state board and be familiar the regulations - we're happy to assist you with questions or to refer you to your state board if needed.

To assist you with keeping up to date, here are our latest articles:

An Acceptable Noise Level Update 2012
Melinda Freyaldenhoven Bryan, Ph.D., CCC-A & Jessica Leigh Ann Newman, B.A.

20Q: Fee-for-Service in an Audiology Practice
John A. Coverstone, Au.D.

Modernizing Your Practice in Uncertain Economic Times Part 1: Promotion, Arrival and the Reception Area
Brian Taylor, Au.D.

Cognitive-based Assessment of Signal Processing
Donald J. Schum, Ph.D.

You can earn CEUs from reading these articles as well as from the other 800+ courses in our library with a subscription to our CEU Total Access program.

News, Information, Jobs

One of my favorite things to do is to speak with industry experts for our interviews. You can see the most recent interviews over on the right, along with the latest industry news. Lots of exciting news is starting to be released about new products, with AudiologyNOW! around the corner. Also, our Career Center has been particularly rocking lately, with a lot of new postings. Whether this is a sign of an upturn in the economy remains to be seen;nevertheless, it's good news for audiologists and hearing aid dispensers.

Thanks for reading, and we always enjoy your comments and feedback. Feel free to send me a note anytime at

Best regards,

Carolyn Smaka, Au.D.
Editor-in-Chief, AudiologyOnline

P.S. You can read Dr. Slater's article on online CEUs here.

Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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