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Lift Up America Collaborates with the Starkey Hearing Foundation


Lift Up America was established in 2004 to provide gifts of sight, hearing, and food to the nation's underprivileged population. This past September, The Starkey Hearing Foundation participated in Lift Up America's Fall kick-off in New York City. In the spirit of remembering and honoring extraordinary heroes that serve everyday citizens, the event made a special tribute to the countless heroes of 9/11.

The Starkey Hearing Foundation arrived on September 11 to New York City, providing more than 60 hearing-impaired New Yorkers with the latest digital hearing technology. Lou Ferrigno, the now hearing-impaired actor who starred in the late 1970s as The Incredible Hulk, also participated in the event.

For complete information about Lift Up America, visit their official website at

Lou Ferrigno, best known as The Incredible Hulk, poses with a
family who participated in the 2006 Lift Up America event.

Several adults and children from New York City were fit with
Starkey digital hearing aids during the 2006 Lift Up America event.
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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