Bill Vivian, husband of the late Karen Rothwell-Vivian, M.S.Ed., M.A., CCC-A, LSLS Cert. AVT, has announced the establishment of the Karen Rothwell Vivian Memorial Scholarship Fund (KRVMSF). Rothwell-Vivian was a clinical audiologist who spearheaded the original certification of auditory-verbal therapists and was later involved in the establishment of the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language.
The fund will honor the memory of Rothwell-Vivian as one of the nation's leading auditory-verbal therapists by providing financial assistance to professionals who choose to use the auditory-verbal approach to teach children with hearing loss to listen and speak. The fund will provide a financial award on an annual basis to an individual whom the fund’s advisory board determines best personifies the aims and ideals espoused by Rothwell-Vivian. Click here to learn more.