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Neuromod Devices - Your Partner for Tinnitus CTA - September 2021

Inner-ear Volume Study at WVU Leads to Higher Surgery Success Rates

Morgantown, W.Va. - Children suffering from holes in their eardrums could have better success rates following surgery, thanks to findings from doctors at West Virginia University.

The "American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation" has published results from a study conducted by doctors in the Department of Otolaryngology. The study measured success rates of patching eardrum holes based on volume or space measurements in the ear.

Holes result from either injury or prior ear problems, such as ear tubes. Perforated eardrums can predispose the ear to infection or result in hearing loss.

"Until this study, there were no clear guidelines as to when kids should have surgery to patch the holes," Hassan Ramadan, M.D., principal investigator on the study, said.

Dr. Ramadan and his co-investigators, Daniel Merenda, M.D.; Kazunari Koike, Ph.D., and Majid Shafiei, M.D., have published findings that use a common test involving an audiologist's probe tool, called a tympanometry, to measure the volume of ear space.

The doctors found that having higher tympanogram volumes could result in a nearly 90 percent success rate for patching the perforation.

The typmanometry probe is commonly used by ear specialists and consists of a loudspeaker emitting a low frequency tone, a microphone measuring sound pressure levels in the ear canal and a manometer, that also measures pressure.

Patients whose volume does not meet doctors' measurement specifications should wait to have an ear operation. Dr. Ramadan warns that patching too early can either lead to a fluid build up or failure to close the hole.

"Prior to this research, doctors typically looked at age and the child's history of infections to decide when to patch," Dr. Ramadan said. "Our research suggests that using middle ear volume allows specialists to have another tool to use in their decisions of whether to operate."

For more information on the use of tympanometric volume tests at WVU or for more information on the Department of Otolaryngology contact (304) 293-3457.

Taken from
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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