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Sycle OTC Hearing Industry Panel Discussion Post Event - July 2021

HLAA National Awards Nominations Deadline


Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Conventions are a time to honor our organizations and members with well-deserved awards. HLAA affiliates find unique and special ways to serve member needs as they reach out and make an impact. National awards acknowledge these achievements and contributions.

To nominate yourself, a colleague, an employer or your nearby HLAA Chapter, State Office or State Association, read the awards' description and complete a nomination form included in the descriptions document. You do not need to be an HLAA member to nominate a person, company or HLAA affiliate for an award. HLAA does require that individual award recipients be current HLAA national members.

The Awards Committee will examine applications with consideration of several factors such as locality, organizational size, etc. Do not presume your achievement "would not stand a chance." Please add appropriate detail to your application and include a completed cover sheet (next page) for each nomination. Nominations that include information closely matching the award criteria stand the best chance for being selected for the award. The following categories of awards will be presented at HLAA's Convention 2012 Awards program on Sunday morning, June 24.


  • Community Service Award
  • Service Award
  • Employer Award
  • Marcia Dugan Advocacy Award
  • Spirit of HLAA Award
  • Family Involvement Award
  • Walk4Hearing® Award
  • State Organization Award
  • Professional Advisor Support Award
  • Newsletter Awards - Chapter and State
  • Website Awards - Chapter and State
The HLAA Awards Committee considers ongoing projects and activities. HLAA may not present awards in each category every year. The Awards Committee will not consider a previous year's recipient for the same category the following year. HLAA requires that individual award recipients be current HLAA national members. Please see the criteria for judging and use the award nomination form for each entry.

Important Dates

To be eligible for judging, applications and attachments (where applicable) must reach HLAA by e-mail to or be postmarked by April 11, 2012. If you are mailing materials, please include two copies/sets of each item printed in color. Mail applications to the HLAA Awards Committee, HLAA, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814. Please e-mail entries when possible.

Nominators and recipients will be notified by April 30, 2012;both are encouraged but not required to attend the Convention and Awards Ceremony.

Recipients will receive their awards at HLAA's Convention 2012 Awards program on Sunday morning, June 24.

Taken from
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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