Over a thousand customers participated in our booth activity with the fortune wheel. There was a prize for everyone to win.
At the booth Bernafon showcased the latest product news:
ICOS micro BTE: Lifestyle Driven Technology for maximized hearing benefits
ICOS micro BTE is tiny in size, offers modern colors, and utilizes SPIRA flex, the unique, modular thin tube system from Bernafon.
XTREME - Take it to the LIMIT
The new Super Power hearing system that takes amplification to the limit!
PRIO micro BTE: PRIORITIES set right
PRIO gets a line extension with its new micro BTE. A strong open fit solution; allowing upgrading for more gain with progressing hearing loss.
We wish to thank all our customers and visitors for their interest!
Find out more about our Research and Development and production facilities or contact your local Bernafon representative. www.bernafon-us.com
Additional information can be found on the Bernafon Web Channel at Audiology Online: www.audiologyonline.com/channels/bernafon.asp
Taken from bernafon.com/eprise/main/com_en/Professionals/NewsAndEvents/_ProfessionalNews/200705001_AudiologyNow2007