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The Help Group Summit 2005 Available In Audio Tapes

More than 17 of the Country's Leading Experts in Autism, Learning Disabilities and ADHD Offer Most Up-to-Date Information, Research, Facts

LOS ANGELES (October 13, 2005)
-- Both parents and professionals now have access to the more than 20 leading experts that spoke to an audience of 500 professionals and parents at The Help Group Summit 2005: Advances and Best Practices in Autism, Learning Disabilities & ADHD, on Sept. 29 and Oct. 1, via audio CDs at The audio tapes cover the two days of presentations which addressed the most current facts and latest breakthroughs in research and treatment in autism, learning disabilities and ADHD.

An order form for the CDs is available on The Help Group's website; audio presentations may be purchased individually for $12 each, or in discounted sets. The Help Group is one of the nation's largest, most innovative and comprehensive nonprofit organization in the United States serving children with special needs related to autism, learning disabilities and other special needs through its extensive Los Angeles-based specialized day schools and outpatient treatment centers for children and their families. PowerPoint presentations are available for download at the organizations website free of charge. The Help Group 2005 Summit Presentations available on CD include:

  • Autism in the Beginning: What Goes Wrong with Brain Growth and Function in the First Years of Life - Eric Courchesne, Ph.D., Univ. of Calif. at San Diego

  • Early Reading, Screening and Intervention Strategies for Preschool Children - Joseph Torgesen, Ph.D., Florida State University

  • The Challenges of Finding the AutismGenes - Daniel H. Geschwind, M.D., Ph.D., UCLA -Department of Neurology

  • ADHD: Recognizing the "Unfocused Mind" in Young Children and in Young Adults - Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.,Yale University School of Medicine

  • Current Research into the Causes of Autism: The Autism Phenome Project - David Amaral, Ph.D.,MIND Institute at UC Davis

  • The Use of Medication in the Treatment of Autism and ADHD - James T. McCracken, M.D., David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

  • Is There a True Increase in the Prevalence of Autism? - Robert Byrd,M.D., UC Davis School of Medicine

  • Genes and ADHD: What We Know and How it Can Help in Treatment and Prevention - Susan L. Smalley, Ph.D., Semel Institute for Neuroscience &Human Behavior at UCLA

  • Depression in Children with Autism, Learning Disabilities and ADHD - Eric D. Saslow, M.D.

  • Environmental Risk Factors in Autism Spectrum Disorders - Isaac N. Pessah, Ph.D., MIND Institute at UC Davis

  • How the Brain Functions in Children with Learning and Developmental Disorders - Susan Y. Bookheimer, Ph.D., David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

  • Quirky Kids: A Pediatrician's Perspective on the Evaluation of Young Children with Developmental Differences - Eileen Costello,M.D., Boston University School of Medicine

  • Teaching Children with Reading Disabilities - Joseph Torgesen, Ph.D., Florida State University

  • Early Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Catherine Lord, Ph.D., University of Michigan

  • Virtual Reality and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities - Albert "Skip"Rizzo, Ph.D., University of Southern Calif.

  • A Guide to Improving the Behavior of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - Laurie Stephens, Ph.D.,The Help Group Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Understanding, Language and Learning Delays: Behavioral, Social and Cultural Considerations - Philip Levin, Ph.D., The Help Group - UCLA Neuropsychology Program; Enrique López, Psy.D., David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
In addition the two discussion panels segments are available including: Autism Panel: Ask the Experts, Moderator: Barbara Firestone, Ph.D., featuring Summit presenters Pessah, Byrd, Courchesne, Costello, Stephens and Geschwind along with a special presentation, "California Legislative Policies and Autism: Challenges and Opportunities" by Louis Vismara, M.D., Policy Consultant, California State Senator Don Perata; and LD and ADHD Panel: Ask the Experts featuring Summit presenters Levin Torgesen, Lipsitt, Smookler and Bookheimer along with a special presentation "Children's Special Needs: When Will We Ever Learn?" by Lewis P. Lipsitt, Ph.D., Brown University.

The Help Group Summit 2005 audio CD will be available for purchase for three years through MobileTape Company and are covered by lifetime guarantee. Special packages include: all recorded sessions on Audio CDs, in albums for $199.00; any 12 audio CDs for the price of 10, in an album for $120.00; any 6 audio CDs for the price of 5 for $60.00. A complete online order form is available for download at; CDs may also be purchased by calling toll free (800) 369-5718.

Founded in 1975, The Help Group is one of the largest, most innovative and comprehensive nonprofit organization in the United States serving children with special needs related to autism, Asperger's disorder, learning disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, mental retardation, abuse and emotional problems. Its six specialized day schools offer pre-K through high school programs for more than 1,100 students on a daily basis. Its wide range of mental health and therapy services, child abuse, foster family and residential programs extend the organization's reach to more than 5,000 children and their families each year. The Help Group's state-of-the-art schools and programs with more 700 staff members on four major campuses in the Los Angeles area. The Help Group is inspired by its belief that dignity, hope, opportunity and love are the birthrights of all children.

For more information about The Help Group, please call 818-779-5212 or visit
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