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Hearing Loss Association Program Ends Another Successful Year

One of the Top 20 Walkers Wins a Round-Trip Ticket on Southwest Airlines

Walk4Hearing is nationwide collaborative walkathon program sponsored by the Hearing Loss Association of America. Its goal is to raise awareness and generate funds for national and local programs and services for people with hearing loss and their families.

In 2006, the first year, 1,500 people at six sites participated and raised over $300,000. In 2007, the walk had 15 sites with 3,000 participants and raised more than $600,000. In 2008, Walk4Hearing will take place in 15-20 cities with an expected 4,000 participants.

The winner was picked the winner from this list at the HLAA national office today, Tuesday, November 27, 2007.

2007 Top 20 Walkers

Lori Ali (Downstate, NY)
Louise Allen (Long Beach, CA)
Pam Foody (Downstate, NY)
John Friedewald (Chicago)
Sally Friedewald (Chicago)
Mary Gosnell (National Capital Area, Washington DC)
Michael Meystel (Newtown Square, PA)
Sue Miller (Rochester, NY)
Karen Ratner (Downstate, NY)
Al Robles (Downstate, NY)
Kate Schwerin (Downstate, NY)
Roberta Seidner (Downstate, NY)
Ellen Semel (Downstate, NY)
Sherry Shuster (Long Beach, CA)
Eileen Solla (Downstate, NY)
Donna Sorkin (National Capital Area, Washington, DC)
Sandy Spekman (Downstate, NY)
Evelyn Starr (New England)
Grace Tiessen (Long Beach, CA)
Teri Wathen (Houston)

Thanks to walkers, team captains, fundraisers, volunteers, sponsors, both individual and corporate, who contributed to a second year of success. The walk raises awareness and helps make hearing loss an issue of national concern. Every person who participated in the walk, in any capacity, truly has made a contribution to this effort.

And, the Winner Is,

Ellen Semel (Downstate, NY)

Walk4Hearing Sites in 2007

Spring Walks

Augusta, GA
Downstate, NY
Long Beach, CA
Longmont, CO
Newtown Square, PA
Rochester, NY
Southeastern Michigan
Western Michigan

Fall Walks

New England Region
Permian Basin, TX
North Texas
National Capital Area (Washington, DC)

For more information about the Walk4Hearing, contact Ronnie Adler, at

Thank you Southwest Airlines for your generous donation.

About Hearing Loss Association of America

The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), founded in 1979 by Rocky Stone under the name of Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, opens the world of communication to people with hearing loss through information, education, advocacy and support. HLAA publishes the bimonthly Hearing Loss Magazine, holds annual conventions, Walk4Hearing, and more. Information can be found at The national headquarters is located at 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20184. HLAA has chapters and state organizations across the country.
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