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Oticon Intent - April 2024

Hearing Aid Tax Credit Act Builds Momentum


Despite the relatively slow progress being made on a number of major legislative fronts, HIA efforts and those of others are garnering support for H.R. 3103, the Hearing Aid Assistance Tax Credit Act. At press time, H.R. 3103 has 17 bipartisan cosponsors in just less than 2 months - more than twice the total number of supporters obtained by the original bill in the last session of Congress! In addition to understanding the importance of grassroots efforts by HIA and other groups, this shows clearly that well-informed and coordinated constituent interest makes a real difference in educating Congress about an issue - in this case, the need for more Americans to be able to utilize hearing aides as an effective means of treatment. With over 3,250 bills introduced in the House alone to date, it takes a tremendous and coordinated effort to obtain the requisite amount of interest for most small bills, like H.R. 3103, to be taken seriously, and these early indications of support are a positive development.

To keep building on this support, it is very important for you to contact your elected Representatives to encourage their co-sponsorship of the bill. We are providing a list of current House cosponsors to H.R. 3103. If your Member is not on this list, contact them now. Please, do not forget to copy HIA on all your correspondence or let us know if you have made phone call(s) to your Member or met him/her in the district. *Remember, you probably live in one district and work in another, so that would be two Congressional contacts. This type of information helps HIA follow up most effectively on your constituent lobbying efforts, and is the crux of any successful lobbying campaign, i.e. solid grassroots interest backed up by hands-on D.C. meetings.

Signia Xperience - July 2024

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