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CapTel Reconnect - December 2022

Harcourt Assessment Needs Young Adults Diagnosed as Hard of Hearing or Having a Language Impairment for Field Trials


Harcourt Assessment is looking for young adults who have been diagnosed with severe-to-profound hearing loss or a language impairment to participate in standardization testing of the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). The WNV is a tool for professionals to measure cognitive ability in individuals, ages of 4 years 0 months to 21 years 11 months. One of its innovative features is the use of pictorial directions that show the examinee what to do.

Hearing and speech-language professionals may assist with identification of

  • potential test candidates, since Harcourt has field examiners throughout the United States, or

  • potential professionals (speech-language pathologists, clinical or school psychologists) who could conduct the assessments for students in other locations.
For the sample to be as linguistically diverse as possible, Harcourt needs to include examinees who have been diagnosed with severe-to-profound hearing loss (hearing loss ≥ 55 dB), or language impairment (expressive or mixed receptive/expressive language score of 76 or below). The most critical need at this time is for young adults ages 18 through 21 years old, but there are still some testing opportunities in age groups as young as 4 years 0 months.

Harcourt is paying examiners $95 and examinees $40 to participate in the 90-minute assessment. Professionals who are interested in participating as a field examiner or referring a potential examinee should contact Rose Gutierrez at 800-233-5686 or

To see a complete listing of Harcourt Assessment field tests, visit and use the search key field testing.
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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