Harcourt Assessment is looking for young adults who have been diagnosed with severe-to-profound hearing loss or a language impairment to participate in standardization testing of the Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). The WNV is a tool for professionals to measure cognitive ability in individuals, ages of 4 years 0 months to 21 years 11 months. One of its innovative features is the use of pictorial directions that show the examinee what to do.
Hearing and speech-language professionals may assist with identification of
- potential test candidates, since Harcourt has field examiners throughout the United States, or
- potential professionals (speech-language pathologists, clinical or school psychologists) who could conduct the assessments for students in other locations.
Harcourt is paying examiners $95 and examinees $40 to participate in the 90-minute assessment. Professionals who are interested in participating as a field examiner or referring a potential examinee should contact Rose Gutierrez at 800-233-5686 or rose_gutierrez@harcourt.com.
To see a complete listing of Harcourt Assessment field tests, visit www.harcourtassessment.com and use the search key field testing.