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GSI - Product Lineup - March 2024

Grason-Stadler Releases AMTAS Flex


Eden Prairie, Minnesota, February 1, 2018. Grason-Stadler (GSI),  a provider of clinical audiometric systems, announced the release of AMTAS Flex™, a new tablet-based hearing evaluation tool designed with the busy clinician in mind. 

GSI AMTAS™ (Automated Method for Testing Auditory Sensitivity) is patient-directed and uses patented test methods and accuracy algorithms to perform pure tone screening and threshold audiometry. With numerous comprehensive studies backed by over 10 years of research and development, AMTAS is different from other automated audiometric tests. AMTAS was developed by Robert Margolis, PhD through a partnership between his company, Audiology Incorporated, and three research institutions: the University of Minnesota, the University of Utah, and the James H. Quillen Veterans Affairs Medical Center. 

AMTAS Flex on a tablet

AMTAS Flex is easy to use. This test is self-paced so patients may proceed at a rate that is comfortable for them. AMTAS Flex allows patients to complete a pure tone screening or air conduction threshold testing as soon as they walk in the door. 

AMTAS Flex offers screening and threshold air conduction audiometry. The screening test typically takes 1-2 minutes to complete and provides an overall indicator of the reliability of the test based on how the patient interacted with the system. The threshold test provides up to six quality indicators and two reporting options: interpret and counseling. Diagnostic testing obtains pure tone thresholds in about 15 minutes. 

Another version also available is AMTAS Pro™, which can be partnered with your AudioStar Pro™ or Pello™. Visit to learn more about these solutions.

Visit to learn more about these solutions or the Grason-Stadler (GSI) Partner Page on AudiologyOnline.

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