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From the Editor - Questions

What Do I Do For A Living?

My work varies greatly from day to day, and I find this highly rewarding. At the same time, when someone asks me what I do for a living, I will sometimes draw a blank, as it is never a simple answer. I thought about it the other day, and really, a lot of what I do relates to answering questions from our members. Questions such as, "Does AudiologyOnline have information on how to sell a private practice?" "What is the latest news and information on hearing aids?" "How can I earn CEUs online?" I do not always have the answer, but luckily, we have a great network of contributors that do.

Coding and Billing Questions

Last week we welcomed back Robert Fifer, Ph.D., for an expanded 2 hour Expert Seminar - "2008 Coding Update". As usual, we had lots of questions and Dr. Fifer was kind enough to provide some great answers. If you missed it, we have the recorded version available on the website.

ENG/VNG Questions

Looking forward to March 26 - we will be having two ENG/VNG QNAs sessions. They will run from 12-1 Eastern and from 12-1 Pacific hosted with one of our Contributing Editors, Kamran Barin, Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. If you would like, you can submit questions in advance for Dr. Barin (send them to me at or you can login to the session to submit your question there.

The recorded version of this event is now available at /audiology-ceus/course/eng-vng-questions-answers-10850

Contributing Editors

If you have any questions about some of the new frequency compression technologies or how to prevent musicians from losing their hearing, we have two excellent papers that were recently submitted by our Contributing Editors:

Marlene Bagatto, Au.D., et al., "Case Study Outcomes of Hearing Impaired Listeners Using Nonlinear Frequency Compression Technology"

Marshall Chasin, Au.D., "Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss: An Introduction"

Around the Web in 60 Seconds

Wonder how the rest of the world looks at the topics of audiology, hearing loss and hearing aids? The current edition of "Around the Web" (ATW) includes: Drunk driver crashing into hearing clinic, the vestibular system in space, hearing loss a major disability in military, earplugs in discos, Annie Lennox supporting hearing loss, smart clothes that could power cochlear implants and much more. Read about these and other stories in the latest edition of ATW.

Until Next Month

Finally, please do keep your questions coming! They help us stay on top of the topics you want to hear more about. Also, be sure to take the time to view the additional AO news and information links listed to the right of this email and on our home page, and as always, thanks for reading.

Best regards,

Paul Dybala, Ph.D. - Audiologist
President & Editor-in-Chief, Audiology Online
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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