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GSI - Product Lineup - March 2024

From the Editor: How The Internet Will Change Your Practice

Internet Referrals and Your Practice. If you want more insight into this trend, read through a recent interview with private practice owner Dr. Elizabeth Brassine. She states that online/website is her number two referral source at this point. Also, if you are attending AudiologyNOW in Denver next week, come by and see my talk LM519, Friday, 4/20 at 4:30 pm on Internet Marketing and Your Practice. Please, feel free to come by and say hello!

Contributing Editors. As always, we have some great items from our Contributing Editors. These are all CEU eligible, so earn your CEUs as you read our premium content. Take a look:

Around the Web in 60 Seconds. The current edition of "Around the Web" (ATW) includes deaf dolphins, low-tech tips for persons with hearing loss in the Washington Post, hybrid implants, other implants, Don Shula, the deaf working with the blind and New York City's new noise codes. Read the latest edition of ATW.

Until Next Month. Please take time view the latest AO news and information links listed to the right of this email and on our home page, and as always, thanks for reading.

Best regards,

Paul Dybala, Ph.D. - Audiologist
President & Editor-in-Chief, Audiology Online
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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