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GSI - Product Lineup - March 2024

From the Editor - Coding and Billing Questions? Submit Them Here

Coding and Billing Questions?

Contributing Editor, Robert Fifer, Ph.D.,
has given many presentations related to Coding and Billing on Audiology Online and we never seem to have enough time for questions. Well, Bob and I put our heads together and said, "Well, then why not make the entire e-Seminar a question and answer session?"

Submit Your Questions Here

On Wednesday, June 27th, Dr. Fifer will have two free Live e-Seminars - Coding and Billing QNA at 12 pm Eastern and Coding and Billing QNA at 12 pm Pacific. But don't wait until the event to send in your questions! Email them to me at and Dr. Fifer will be able to preview some of them ahead of time. Otherwise, we will see you during the live event!

Contributing Editors

As always, we have some great items from our Contributing Editors, many of these are also CEU eligible. Take a look:

Around the Web in 60 Seconds

The current edition of "Around the Web" (ATW) includes a new winner in the unofficial "Best Name for An Audiology Private Practice" contest, summer is here so be on the lookout for CIHL or Cicada Induced Hearing Loss, coverage of hearing aids in the mainstream press, whale acoustics, the 4C's of hearing conservation, a British audiologist "bares all" for a TV commercial, the answer to the question, "What does a protein sequence sound like?" and much more. Read about these and other stories in the latest edition of ATW.

Until Next Month

Please take time view the latest AO news and information links listed to the right of this email and on our home page, and as always, thanks for reading.

Best regards,
Paul Dybala, Ph.D. - Audiologist
President & Editor-in-Chief, Audiology Online
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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