If you are already a member of the American Auditory Society, your renewal for 2008 must be made prior to January 1 to avoid a $10 late fee, if you have not already renewed. Renewal can be made online at: www.amauditorysoc.org/about/index.html. Also, the mailing list for E&H for the first issue of 2008 goes to the publisher on December 4th if you want to ensure a continued, smooth receipt of Ear & Hearing.
If you are not a member of the American Auditory Society and are interested in membership, the annual fee is $55, with an additional $10 for Canada and Mexico residents, and $30 for other international members (to cover the cost of journal shipments and other mailings). Advantages of belonging to the Society are as follows:
- You will receive Ear & Hearing, the leading scientific clinical research journal, and one of the most cited publications in hearing. Its presence in your professional library serves as a reminder to you and others of your dedication to professionalism.
- You will receive the Bulletin of the American Auditory Society.
- You will have a discounted fee for registration at the American Auditory Society meeting held each March in Scottsdale, Arizona. This meeting has become the premier forum for top-flight clinical research in hearing.
- You will have access to full text downloads of Ear & Hearing from the online website, including abstracts and searches.
- You will be a member of an interdisciplinary organization related to hearing, which includes national and international leaders from audiology, otolaryngology, hearing science, and industry.
- You will receive a directory of members, including addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information.
- You will be eligible to vote on Society related issues, and run for Society positions.
- You will receive advance publication Ear & Hearing abstracts via your e-mail address.
membership registration on the AAS web site.
Click for Membership Form (PDF Document)