On June 27, 1999 Ericsson, a major supplier of telecommunications equipment, introduced the T1000 TTY device. It is designed to work with a TTY Acoustic Coupler to facilitate connecting an Ericcson handset to popular TTY's that have acoustic cups. Ericsson recognizes that many people already own TTY devices and the T1000 makes it easy for them to link modern cellular technology to older moldel TTY devices. The T1000 TTY transfers Baudot tones using the latest Ericsson noise-reduction technology to the TTY device, making it easy for people to take their mobile phone everywhere they go. In addition, Ericsson has 2.5 millimeter jack connections which makes it very easy to connect medern TTY's which have been designed for cellular connection. The TTY Acoustic Coupler is easy to use and enables users to connect their TTY device to any analog or GSM 4- or 5-volt Ericsson mobile phone. People simply plug the Ericsson mobile cable ends into their Ericsson mobile phone and the TTY Acoustic Coupler. Then place the TTY Acoustic Coupler onto their TTY device. The TTY Acoustic Coupler works best with analog and GSM phones.
Ericsson has teamed up with HITEC Group International, the national supplier of assistive devices to 1,000 audiological centers, to sell the T1000 TTY coupler. This summer, consumers will be able to order the T1000 TTY coupler through the HITEC Group International, Inc. Web site https://www.hitec.com.
Additional information about Ericsson mobile phones and accessories is available on the World Wide Web at https://www.ericson.com/us/phones.
Ericsson Introduces The T1000 TTY Device