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Cochlear Podcast - September 2024

CTIA-The Wireless Association® to Receive National Access Award


BETHESDA, MD - The staff and board of trustees of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) are pleased to announce that CTIA-The Wireless Association® has been selected to receive its National Access Award. This prestigious award is given to an organization or individual who has provided improved communication access for people with hearing loss.

HLAA is recognizing CTIA for its efforts under the leadership of Steve Largent, president and CEO, to ensure that people with hearing loss can live more connected and meaningful lives through access to wireless products. Mr. Largent has championed HLAA’s cause to open the way for people with hearing loss to access the power of the communications technologies that are transforming our world. Largent stated, “On behalf of CTIA and our members, we appreciate HLAA for recognizing the wireless industry’s dedication to making mobile products and services accessible for all Americans, including people with hearing loss. We know wireless devices and services are vital to the accessibility community's personal, business and emergency communications, and we pledge to continue collaborating with HLAA and others in the accessibility community to ensure all Americans benefit from mobile technology.”

The award will be presented June 27 during the Opening Session at HLAA’s Convention 2013 at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR. Other distinguished guests include keynote speaker, Howard Weinstein, inventor of Solar Ear solar-powered hearing aids; Mark Medcalf, Technical Product Manager with Williams Sound, sponsor of the Opening Session; Amanda Fritz of the Portland City Commission; and Jacob Landis of Jacob’s Ride.

About CTIA-The Wireless Association®

CTIA-The Wireless Association® is an international nonprofit membership organization that has represented the wireless communications industry since 1984. Membership in the association includes wireless carriers and their suppliers, as well as providers and manufacturers of wireless data services and products.

CTIA-The Wireless Association® and its member companies are committed to ensuring and enhancing access to innovative wireless products and services for individuals with disabilities. Through AccessWireless.Org, CTIA and its member companies provide information for consumers searching for accessible wireless products and services. In addition to AccessWireless.Org, CTIA has also developed an Accessibility Outreach Initiative to help member companies and subject matter experts collaborate on wireless accessibility issues. For more information about wireless accessibility and CTIA’s efforts, visit

About Hearing Loss Association of America

The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), founded in 1979, opens the world of communication to people with hearing loss through information, education, advocacy and support. In addition to Convention 2013, HLAA produces the Walk4Hearing program, publishes Hearing Loss Magazine, advocates for the rights of people with hearing loss, and has an extensive network of chapters and state organizations across the country. The national headquarters is located at 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814. Phone 301.657.2248 or visit


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