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Cochlear Osia System - June 2024

Cochlear Launches New Web Site for Professionals and Patients

DENVER, CO -- Cochlear has launched a new global Web site,, that provides in-depth information, advice and resources for professionals, cochlear implant recipients, individuals considering an implant and teachers.

The professional section provides the latest information on cochlear implants, troubleshooting tips, advice on speech processor programming, White Papers, technical bulletins, listings of events and registration, and video presentations on topics such as surgery. A bulletin board enables communication with other professionals.

The recipient, parent, teacher section includes advice for recipients, from how to use the phone more effectively and enjoy music to hearing in noisy atmospheres and travel tips. There is also information to help parents and teachers support child implant recipients. Parents can find out how to prepare their child for surgery and how to conduct auditory therapy at home. For teachers, there is advice on issues to consider when teaching a child with a cochlear implant and on how to prepare the classroom to optimize the child's hearing environment.

Practical guides include speech processor trouble-shooting tips. Many of the resources are downloadable, including publications in Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.

Excerpts from Cochlear's popular videos - "Nucleus® Accessories and Assistive Listening Devices", "What to Expect at Adult Hook-up" and "What to Expect at a Child's Hook-up" can be viewed, along with video presentations on topics such as surgery.

For those investigating a cochlear implant, there is a step-by-step description of the cochlear implant process, including animations on how normal hearing works, hearing loss, hearing with a hearing aid, hearing with a cochlear implant and the surgical process for a cochlear implant. A new lifestyle questionnaire assists candidates in determining what is the right cochlear implant product for them. Candidates can read testimonials from recipients that describe the positive results they have achieved with their Cochlear implants.

In the Nucleus forum, people considering a cochlear implant, recipients and parents of implanted children discuss their experiences and offer advice.

Denver-based Cochlear Americas is the U.S. headquarters for Cochlear Limited, the world leader in cochlear implant technology. Cochlear is a winner of the 2001 Medical Design Excellence Awards for its design of the Nucleus® 24 Contour™ cochlear implant and the FDA Commissioner's Special Citation for the development and commercialization of the Nucleus® 24 Multichannel Auditory Brainstem Implant. For more information about Cochlear's products, call the Nucleus Hotline at 800/458-4999 (Voice), or 800/483-3123 (TDD) or visit Cochlear's Web site at

For more information on Cochlear click here.

Click here to visit the Cochlear website.
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