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CMS Implements New Definition of AudiologistASHA CCC's no longer required for Medicare


In 1994, Congress enacted a definition of an audiologist that relied upon state licensure to determine who was a "qualified audiologist" for the Medicare program.

However, in several geographic areas, Medicare and private carriers misinterpreted the Medicare statute and inappropriately required the CCCs. The profession recognized this problem and over the past several years met with Medicare officials to discuss this issue along with other concerns.

In April 2001, Medicare issued a communication to their carriers (Transmittal B-01-34) in an effort to address our concerns. The Transmittal reaffirmed the current statute that did not require the CCCs; however at the end of the notice misleading advice was provided. The notice stated that, "A source for determining an audiologist's professional qualifications is the American Speech Language and Hearing Association's national directory". This statement completely contradicted Medicare law. The professional vigorously protested this inappropriate advice.

Medicare again responded to our concerns and on June 7, 2002 issued Transmittal AB-02-080. This Medicare carrier notice reaffirmed that audiologists are defined by state licensure or regulation—not by retaining the entry-level CCCs. In addition, they provided advice to the carriers that they "should obtain a current listing of audiologists holding the required credentials in the state".

This represents a tremendous victory for the profession. Medicare officials are beginning to understand our profession and the services we provide. The Academy is now working with CMS to implement the same definition of who is a qualified audiologist for the Medicaid program.

American Academy of Audiology home page.

8300 Greensboro Dr., Suite 750, McLean, Virginia 22102
Phone: 800-AAA-2336, 703-790-8466; Fax: 703-790-8631
Web site editor: Jerry Northern, Ph.D. | Director of communications: Sydney Davis
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