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Unitron Hear Life - November 2023

Clarke Requests Proposals for 37th Annual Conference!


Greetings from Clarke Mainstream Services!

We are excited to begin preparation for our 37th Conference on Mainstreaming Students with Hearing Loss with our 2016 Call for Proposals and we invite you to share your ideas and expertise by submitting a workshop proposal.  Our 2016 theme is “Speaking Up for Self-Advocacy!”   This year's conference will include a full line-up of educational workshops and take place at the Marriott Hotel in Springfield, MA on Thursday, October 13 and Friday, October 14, 2016.

Over the years, we have received excellent proposals and we hope this year you will consider submitting a proposal. We also ask that you share this information with your colleagues who have expertise in the field and can speak to the workshop topics suggested or to issues related to the practice of mainstreaming students with hearing loss. 

The deadline for submitting a proposal is March 7, 2016.

Submit your proposal online at online at
For additional information or questions please email  or call (413) 587-7313.

Signia Xperience - July 2024

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