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CAA is Calling Investigators to apply for a Clinical-Research Grant


The Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA) Clinical-Research Grant will provides financial and practical support to individuals wanting to investigate a unique research question on hearing and/or balance. The successful applicant will receive the support of the CAA Science and Education Committee (SaEC) to help coordinate access to proper resources (e.g., equipment, people, processes) to see the project to completion. Access to advanced testing facilities or established research personnel and mentors is not an application requirement.

Available for the 2014 year is one award of up to $5,000, or two awards of $2500. This decision will be at the discretion of the CAA SaEC and will depend on the number and quality of the submitted grant applications.

Funds associated with the CAA Clinical-Research Grant are proposed to cover only activities and supplies directly associated with new projects. This includes the salaries of assisting personnel, purchasing necessary equipment (e.g., software), attending workshops, conferences or classes, which provide learning opportunities and training directly related to research activities, subject care fees and other essential authorized expenses and supplies. Funds may not be used to cover activities related to any ongoing or completed research projects.

Award recipients will be announced at the annual 2014 CAA conference, on the CAA website and in the Canadian Audiologist journal. Successful applicants will be required to present their findings at a CAA conference (registration fees to be waived for one presenter at this event only) and publish their findings in a journal or magazine of their choosing (i.e., Canadian Audiologist) within five years from the date of the award. Recipients may be interviewed for the CAA website and the Canadian Audiologist journal.

For more details visit Clinical-Research Grant on the CAA website.

Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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