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Four-fold Increase in People Accessing Tinnitus Support


The British Tinnitus Association (BTA), the only national charity dedicated to supporting people with tinnitus, is celebrating helping 15,829 people in the past two years through its dedicated Tinnitus Support Team project.

The charity has been running for over 40 years and has offered a freephone helpline support service for many of those, but a new project aimed at increasing information, advice and guidance to people with tinnitus launched in September 2018, enabling the BTA to take 448% more enquiries than in the previous two-year period.

Claire, who has been receiving support from the BTA since 2019, said: “I’ve had tinnitus for a year and it can be very hard. When I was in contact with the BTA in the early stages, they were a real source of support, they always checked to see how I was, and my messages were always replied to quickly. People who don't suffer with tinnitus don't care, they think it's nothing and made up, but it really is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Knowing the BTA is there to provide support is a real comfort, and I know if I need them, I can get in touch and they will help me.”

Through specific project funding, the charity has been able to expand its Tinnitus Support Team: recruiting new staff and volunteers, and launching a popular new web chat facility and subsequent text/SMS service in order to reach a wider audience and those with hearing impairments.

Tinnitus Support Team

Colette Bunker, the BTA’s Acting Head of Services, said: “Tinnitus can have a really negative impact on people’s lives and talking to someone when you are feeling distressed, can make you feel less alone. We are really pleased that with our larger team and new support methods we have been able to be there for so many more people who need our help.”

“The coronavirus pandemic has meant that as an organisation we’ve had to completely change how we work. But our amazing team have continued, from home workspaces, to support people with tinnitus. This continuation in dedicated, professional and confidential support which we pride ourselves on, has been vital to those who are new to tinnitus or to those who are struggling during these unprecedented times.”

If you need to talk to someone about tinnitus, contact the British Tinnitus Association. We are available via email

Signia Xperience - July 2024

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