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InnoCaption - Connected - July 2024

Best Of AudiologyOnline


It's "Best Of" time of year, a great time for us list lovers! Do you save all the year-end "Best of" lists like I do, for whenever you need a new book to read, CD to download, movie to watch, or gift to buy?

At AudiologyOnline, we've compiled a "Best Of" list of our CE articles, in order to help you navigate our 800+ course library. What I love about the list is that it spans a wide range of topics, from fitting hearing aids to babies, to hybrid cochlear implants, to aural rehab, to other things we need to take into account as part of our audiology services - like the effects of aging on auditory skills, and safety and quality of life issues (i.e. - are our patients with hearing loss able to hear the high frequency alarm of a typical smoke detector?). To keep it simple the list only includes 10 articles, so there are many, many outstanding articles that are not included, such as those that were just featured on our homepage in the past few weeks:

Pediatric Hearing Aid Fittings: Selection and Verification of Features
Ryan McCreery, Ph.D., Boys Town National Research Hospital

Understanding Hearing Loops
Jay Sheehan, Ph.D., MHS, FAAA, Professional Trainer, Beltone

Connect and Convert: Internet Marketing Best Practices
Paul Dybala, Ph.D., President, AudiologyOnline

Cutting the Wire: What's New in CROS/BiCROS Technology?
Martin Kinkel, Ph.D., Director of Audiology, audifon and KIND Hörgeräte

Evidence-based Design Leads to Remote Microphone Hearing Instrument Technology
Stephen A. Hallenbeck, Au.D. & Jennifer Groth M.S.

You can view the 2011 list here.

Thanks for being a part of AudiologyOnline. We have great things in store for next year - new topics, more advanced courses, new course series, new presenters, exciting virtual conferences, and more. We look forward to 2012 - our 13th year! - being our best. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may all festivities for any occasion you celebrate this month be happy and healthy.

Please check out the latest Interviews, News and Ask The Expert questions over in the right hand column.

Best regards,

Carolyn Smaka

Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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