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ASHA Submits Comments to ED on 2005 IDEA Proposed Rules

Originally posted to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Headlines e-mail list on August 12, 2005.

ASHA submitted a 21-page comment letter to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) addressing the proposed regulations for implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004, specifically Parts B and D. The letter responded to ED's June 21, 2005 Federal Register notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). ASHA expressed concern about a number of issues including: 1) qualification standards; 2) assistive technology; 3) specific learning disabilities; 4) evaluation, eligibility determinations of limited English proficient (LEP) students; and 5) early intervening services. ASHA members can access the full text of the letter at ASHA's IDEA Information Center at

An action alert will be sent to ASHA's school-based members encouraging them to submit comments by the September 6 deadline set by ED for receiving comments on its proposed regulations on IDEA 2004. Please visit to access the model letter. For further information, please contact Catherine D. Clarke, ASHA's Director of Education and Regulatory Advocacy, via e-mail at

Reprinted by permission of the American Speech-Lanuage-Hearing Association.
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