AFA Chair Deborah Price, Au.D. (center), presents the "David P. Goldstein, Ph.D. Outstanding Audiologist Award" to Larry Engelmann, Au.D. (right) at the opening session of the 2008 ADA Convention.
The award honors Dr. David Goldstein, founding chair of the AFA, for his devotion to the improvement of education for future audiologists and the promotion of the Au.D. degree. His leadership of the AFA for a decade shaped the profession's ideas about how the transition to doctoring status could be achieved for working professionals, as well as career entrants. Dr. Goldstein is professor emeritus at Purdue University.
Dr. Engelmann is a private practitioner in Oklahoma City, OK. He received his Au.D. from the Arizona School of Health Sciences in 2000 as part of its first graduating class. He served as a director of the Audiology Foundation of America from 1994-2001, and is a past president of the ADA. He has authored and published numerous magazine articles, and has been a constant supporter of the profession's upgrade to the Au.D. for over 15 years.